It's not terminal but it isn't fun...

Welcome to my blog!

Out of sheer necessity to communicate, I find myself turning to the Internet to express thoughts and feelings during this very weird time in my life. I can only write so many emails of great length to friends before I bore them to tears with my tales "behind bars". But I'm aware that I'm not the only person who has gone through this, is currently going through this, or will go through it in the future.

In the long run I hope my ranting ends up helping someone, but right now my motives are purely selfish.

I just need to speak, yet I can't. So, dear followers, read on!

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Speaking words of Wisdom....

Well, sadly I've neglected my blog. Not out of apathy, but that there have been so many changes in my life.  I've sold most of my belongings and moved across country to be with my parents.  In times of trouble, nothing soothes the soul more than assisting ones parents in their late 80's. After all they've done for me, it only seems fitting.

My mouth continues to go through a ton of dental work, and along with that a ton of bills.  The outward scars have healed. The emotional scars are a work in progress. 

It occurs to me that through all of this, my trusty Apple laptop and my iPad have been a good friend. They've allowed me to live my life through relative anonymity.

Hey I found a great website from ShaveMagazine with lots of great stuff.  Here's an article on balance!

Boy, I could use some of that.   Rest in Peace Steve Jobs!  In times of trouble Mother Mary comes to some people...Apple comes to ME!

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Where has the time gone?

Hello Friends

I think I've lost my readership!! Happy 2011 everyone!

Oh well, the main reason why I started this blog back in August was to keep myself company under stressful circumstances.  I'll leave my blog up because the WWW is a huge place, and one day, at some time in the future someone who has gone through something similar will stumble upon my words and find some comfort. There is light at the end of the tunnel. Financially I will be paying dearly for this freak accident but I wanted to share the post accident mouth photo. I've just come home from visiting family over the holiday season.  No one would have ever guessed anything had happened. Thanks to my dentist, and to healing really well (by eating well when I was on a blender diet) you would need a magnifying glass to see my scars.  The biggest scar is the $10,000 dental bill. One day, an angel will sit on my shoulder and that will take care of itself. Miracles do happen.  Until then...enjoy my new smile!!

Monday, November 8, 2010

the root of the matter...

have you all been wondering where I've been? We'll I've been wondering where YOU'VE been! Write me trusty followers.  If you've found me through StumbleUpon welcome!  Drop me a hello.
Tomorrow I begin my reconstruction with the Dentist.  I have to have a root canal on my front tooth and so that's what's on the agenda for the day.  I'm not anticipating it being too painful mostly because there is NO feeling in that tooth. It's essentially dead after the fall. Not what I would have wished for my life but do we ever get through this journey without a few scars? I think not.
I've been busy trying to move forward with my life and have bunch of projects in the works.  I've been enjoying food a great deal but am amazed at how much of a creature of habit I am.
I still have my friends blender and I find myself resorting to some of the new discoveries I made when I could only eat blended food.  My jello mousse still tops the charts.  The beets and cottage cheese with ginger, cinnamon and nutmeg is a winner as well.
Anyone need any ensure and boost shakes. They sit unopened in the fridge.  Good in the event of any kind of anthrax scare we might have where I can't get out to the grocery store I guess!

Ok...that's it  for it's your turn. What have you been up to?

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

a song in place of words

Hi All
Not in much of a writing mood today so instead I leave you a link to a recording of Elton John song I did the day before the accident. It was done in my little home studio so a bit raw and unedited. Here's hoping I can do this again after all has healed. My spirit included! Enjoy. And if you hate it, go easy on me please! :-)

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

You should change your name to DEXTER....

Well today was "D" day.  D is for Dentist.

I have a dentist who is new to me within the last year after being with the same one for almost 20 years. This new dentist is quite wonderful. Young, hip and does very good work.  And I make him laugh. I like doing that. Because it's important to keep your dentist laughing so much that he forgets to give you the bill.  OK, well, he doesn't laugh THAT much, but he does give me a good deal knowing that I don't have dental coverage.
This is the first post-accident visit. Up to now, I've been treated in hospital oral surgery.  My dentist was surprised that the damage wasn't any worse given how I started out.  We got to do some really cool tests.
First, three xrays.
Then, the tooth stress test.  One was really nifty. It involves spraying this really really really cold fluid on the end of a cotton swab and holding it to each tooth to find out sensitivity and if any feeling remains the broken teeth.  The second really fun test involves taking an electric wand, attached to a little box with something called VOLTAGE in in to each test until I feel the electric current running into the root of the tooth.
I wish you all, dear readers, a chance to experience this.  It is my dream for ALL of you.
Because WHY should I be the only one to have this much fun?

So I turned to my dentists as he was plugging in the electric box: "Have you thought of changing your name to Dexter?"  (as in, Dexter, the HBO series staring Michael C. Hall which I enjoy a lot)
My dentist laughed and laughed.
Afterthought: never make your dentist laugh when he is holding a voltage wand to your teeth.

So oddly, the tooth that fell out seems to have taken route, and though there is some delayed feeling, there is feeling and the tooth is living.
One front tooth, which also broke has no feeling and will need a root canal. The other two, though broken are living.  So they will require bonding to rebuild the tooth.

Prognosis: Three bonded teeth, one root canal.

That happen in early November.

The cool news is that I decided to award myself for making it through being electrocuted in my mouth by making my first bowl of popcorn tonight since the accident.  The hot air popper purred away and the smell was mouth watering.  I pop this special kind of white kernel which is has none of those annoying hulls that get stuck in your teeth.  It's white and tender.  It was yummy and a refreshing break from the blender.

So that was how I spent my day.

Fall continues to make it's presence here.  I love this time of year. All the squash are out. One of my fav. veggies.  For about 6 weeks I can get this outrageously good squash called "Sweet Mama". It's a variety of Buttercup, sometimes called "cup less buttercup" or Japanese Kapocha.  There is also an "Amber Sweet Mama" They are so sweet. I cut them in half, roast them face down on a baking sheet.  A bit of butter after they come out of the over, and freshly ground sea salt, and a spoon and this is HEAVEN to me.

The apples are in from the orchards.  Cortland apples are only available for about six weeks and crazy good.  I can't bit into them without slicing them into thin slices and chew gently.

And then Halloween!  Oh my gosh!  I'm a walking costume already. A mouth full of smashed up teeth.  How scary! None of those yummy Halloween kisses (that no one likes but me) this year.  They'll yank out of my mouth all the work my new friend Dexter is about to do for me!

Saturday, October 2, 2010

sorry, I didn't recongnize you with your mouth open!

Well kiddies,  It's been a while since I posted and I'm sure you've all had your life on hold wondering what is going on.  If not, humor me and just pretend you were.
It's been a month since my wires were ripped from my mouth and my jaw is slowly healing.  I'm getting used to the the "new normal" that is my new bite.  My jaw closes but it is a few degrees from pre-accident.  There is not much to be done about that.  My jaw has reset in a best a position obtainable without surgery which doesn't guarantee anything better, and a whole host of other complications.  I won't go that route.
I can eat, and have been doing so with great lust.  I back to a healthier (certainly stronger) weight, working out again and moving forward.
As for the broken teeth. I'm of to see the dentist on October 5th to survey the damage.  I don't expect the four front teeth will go without some major work.  I have very little feeling in them which is never a good sign. The roots have receive a terrible blow.
I revisited the site of the accident.  I held on the the railing of the escalator like a scared little old man as I down. What I now see is that at the bottom of the ride is a plate of three yards of steel, before the brick floor begins. So clearly, I fell face forward into metal. SWEET!
Lesson to be learned: metal attracts metal
Think about it, it's deep.  Hey......close your mouth when your thinking so hard!

Thursday, September 16, 2010

that which does not kill us...

Well internet blog readers (for I'm not sure if anyone reads my posts any more) here is the latest:

As of 3pm this afternoon the arch bars were RIPPED from my teeth.  Now, I'm prone to exaggeration from time-to-time, but rest assured, this was not one of those times.  I'll start with the positive.
I had three of the most amazing oral surgery senior residents.  Full of compassion they explained to me that freezing my mouth was an option, but would take about 16 needles and painful in and of itself. The other option was to be brave, go slowly, hold one of the resident's hands and raise my other hand if it got too much.  I somehow hoped there would be a third option. Total sedation.  Such was not the case.

If you are about to go through this and have the option take it. Provided you have someone with you to take you home.

I can seldom think of a more painful experience in my life than what I went through.  Imagine each one of your teeth is wrapped with wire all held by one big solid bar.  Now imagine someone has to go in with pliers, cut the big bar, and then pull so that the wrapped wires come unwrapped and yank through you teeth, section by section.  Now remember, your jaw is still healing from a fracture so imagine that someone has to hold your jaw and head in place as they rip.  Perhaps it would be easier for you to imagine having each tooth ripped from you mouth. Well there you have it.  When it was done, about 20 minutes non-stop, I cried like a baby.  Just a release.  The doctor who was holding my hand said "open you eyes so you don't internalize everything". Now that might not mean much to you but to me, it spoke volumes. I opened my eyes and just let it go.

At this point I am totally convinced that I would be USELESS giving birth. Thank god I'm a man and that will never happen. But if childbirth is anything like this (though the opposite end of the body!) I understand why millions of women start out without drugs and half way through yell...GIVE ME THE BLOODY DRUGS!

So its done. I'm home resting in bed with my friend Advil and Tylenol 3.  My front teeth received quite a blow and the doctor told me I may well loose them. This is devastating to me. With no dental coverage I'm certain to be facing financial hardship on top of this.  I'm not saying this to win your hearts. This blog is for me primarily.

I'm terrified.  My 25 year career is in jeopardy.  I know at a time like this I'm supposed to be thinking of others worse off, but in my own world and reality, this is pretty bad for me and my life and struggle.

I live in a country with National Health Care. It is a  travesty that dental injuries cause from an accident stemming from post sedation fainting isn't covered.  I have to pick my battles right now. Hiring a lawyer just does factor in to things. And so, though 6 weeks in, the Muzzled man has had his muzzle removed, I still feel somewhat powerless.

Thanks for listening...whoever you are.  I should rest. It's been a rough afternoon.