It's not terminal but it isn't fun...

Welcome to my blog!

Out of sheer necessity to communicate, I find myself turning to the Internet to express thoughts and feelings during this very weird time in my life. I can only write so many emails of great length to friends before I bore them to tears with my tales "behind bars". But I'm aware that I'm not the only person who has gone through this, is currently going through this, or will go through it in the future.

In the long run I hope my ranting ends up helping someone, but right now my motives are purely selfish.

I just need to speak, yet I can't. So, dear followers, read on!

Thursday, September 2, 2010

A party of the worst kind...

Oh dear readers, this is not going to be a good entry and I apologize in advance. If you need to read some good news, I invite you to head to another blog.  Today was supposed to be something to look forward to, instead I am writing you wracked in agony.   Today my wires were cut.  My jaw flapped around like new born trying to stand up.  I sort of knew that the feeling was going to be weird, but this is weird in a bad way.  Firstly, my jaw is killing me.  I hadn't had any pain since the wiring occurred, but now it feels like I just feel again. I have a throbbing head ache.  My wires have been replace with two elastics. The arch bars are still on the top and bottom.
The good news is I can open my mouth about two fingers wide. The bad news is, I can't close my teeth together. My bite has completely shifted, and in a really bad way.  My teeth don't come together where they used to. It's like they are all off by 1/2 tooth.  This will leave me totally bankrupt. I can't imagine living like this, with this much pain. 
For certain, as it stands, I can say goodbye to a 25 year career. This jaw and bite mechanism is to my career what the hand is to a pianist.  I can now put pudding in my mouth and don't need to blend everything. Problem is, I'm so beside myself with anxiety and pain I don't have much of an appetite.
I never would have imagined this would happen to me.  I never would have imagined that three days before my 48th birthday, life has thrown me something so difficult to deal with emotionally and physically. My parents are a mess over this. 1000 of miles away, feeling powerless to help. They're in their 80's, they don't need this.
I realize that people are dying of cancer today. Have lost loved ones today. Have lost houses today. Are stuck miles under the ground in a mine today.  But that doesn't diminish my own little hell.  I don't know how this will all play out.
If you pray, if you chant, what ever you do, keep me in mind.  It's pity party time for this blogger.