It's not terminal but it isn't fun...

Welcome to my blog!

Out of sheer necessity to communicate, I find myself turning to the Internet to express thoughts and feelings during this very weird time in my life. I can only write so many emails of great length to friends before I bore them to tears with my tales "behind bars". But I'm aware that I'm not the only person who has gone through this, is currently going through this, or will go through it in the future.

In the long run I hope my ranting ends up helping someone, but right now my motives are purely selfish.

I just need to speak, yet I can't. So, dear followers, read on!

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Where has the time gone?

Hello Friends

I think I've lost my readership!! Happy 2011 everyone!

Oh well, the main reason why I started this blog back in August was to keep myself company under stressful circumstances.  I'll leave my blog up because the WWW is a huge place, and one day, at some time in the future someone who has gone through something similar will stumble upon my words and find some comfort. There is light at the end of the tunnel. Financially I will be paying dearly for this freak accident but I wanted to share the post accident mouth photo. I've just come home from visiting family over the holiday season.  No one would have ever guessed anything had happened. Thanks to my dentist, and to healing really well (by eating well when I was on a blender diet) you would need a magnifying glass to see my scars.  The biggest scar is the $10,000 dental bill. One day, an angel will sit on my shoulder and that will take care of itself. Miracles do happen.  Until then...enjoy my new smile!!